Placing environmental, social and governance aspects at the backbone of sustainable transportation

Members benefits

SRI members engage suppliers in their sustainability rating and improvement journey as a peer group. Participating in this process offers various benefits, such as:

  • Strengthen supplier outreach resulting in an increased coverage of the assessed supply base (higher supplier participation)
  • Expand visibility of the broader rail industry’s supply chain sustainability performance allowing more informed decisions
  • Enhance synergies in driving improvement with suppliers and third parties
  • A way to directly engage with industry peers and influential external stakeholders without infringing antitrust regulation

Supplier benefits

If you have received a sustainability assessment request on behalf of SRI, you are considered as a trading partner for at least one member of this Initiative. Engaging in this process offers various benefits, such as:

  • Increase efficiency through sharing their scorecard with many customers at once
  • Gain visibility of industry leaders’ commitment to go beyond compliance and drive sustainability efforts in partnership with trading partners like yourself
  • Strengthen long-term customer relationships and valuable information about your positioning in all aspects of sustainability
  • Accelerate improvement via access to focused capacity building and improvement activities

Within our initiative, companies can:

Capitalize on synergies
Learn and adopt best practices
Reduce workload and avoid redundant, manual SAQs, etc.
Concentrate on industry-specific criteria
Improve recognition and collaboration
Accelerate their sustainability journey

Become a member

SRI membership is open to rail companies and key Tier 1 suppliers that are committed to sustainability and fulfill the SRI membership requirements.