The Sustainable Rail Initiative (SRI) is an industry initiative dedicated to driving ESG maturity throughout the Tier 1 rail industry and operating companies’ value chains.

Until 2023 the SRI was primarily grouped around European EcoVadis rail industry clients and the Railsponsible.org not-for-profit organization. EcoVadis is now expanding the group internationally and welcoming key Tier 1 suppliers to the OEMs to join as members. In an industry widely recognized as the greenest choice for logistics, transportation and travel, including tier 1 suppliers is an important step toward transparency of the ESG industry risks deeper in the value chain.

Our mission

The objective of working with EcoVadis as an industry peer group is to accelerate each member’s individual sustainable procurement program through a harmonized assessment standard and a strong joint message to the suppliers to contribute to improving the industry value chain’s ESG footprint.

Founding year
Number of supplier countries
Number of supplier industries covered
Annual pool growth by calendar year

Become a member

SRI membership is open to rail companies and key Tier 1 suppliers that are committed to sustainability and fulfill the SRI membership requirements.