The initiative for sustainable pharmaceutical, healthcare and biotechnology supply chains.

The Responsible Health Initiative (RHI) was founded in 2018 by leading healthcare, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in an effort to accelerate sustainability in their collective value chains, while creating benefits for their trading partners.

At the RHI, we have adopted a proven model of industry collaboration. It leverages sharing of best practices and processes, drives a common understanding across the industry, and uses common tools to create efficiencies that improve sustainability performance across its members’ collective supply chains.

Hear directly from our top executives from leading industries – watch our testimonials video now.

Members benefits

RHI members engage suppliers in their sustainability rating and improvement journey as a peer group. Participating in this process offers various benefits, such as:

  • Strengthen supplier outreach resulting in an increased coverage of the assessed supply base (higher supplier participation)
  • Expand visibility of the broader health industry’s supply chain sustainability performance allowing more informed decisions
  • Enhance synergies in driving improvement with suppliers and third parties
  • Directly engage with industry peers and influential external stakeholders without infringing antitrust regulations

Supplier benefits

If you have received a sustainability assessment request on behalf of RHI, you are considered as a trading partner for at least one member of this Initiative. Engaging in this process offers various benefits, such as:

  • Increase efficiency through sharing their scorecard with many customers at once
  • Gain visibility of industry leaders’ commitment to go beyond compliance and drive sustainability efforts in partnership with trading partners like yourself
  • Strengthen long-term customer relationships and valuable information about your positioning in all aspects of sustainability
  • Accelerate improvement via access to focused capacity building and improvement activities

Within our initiative, companies can:

Capitalize on synergies
Learn and adopt best practices
Reduce workload and avoid redundant, manual SAQs, etc.
Concentrate on industry-specific criteria
Improve recognition and collaboration
Accelerate their sustainability journey

Become a member

RHI membership is open to pharmaceutical, healthcare and biotechnology companies that are committed to sustainability and fulfill the RHI membership requirements.